My project is based on an own built universe the Lapisworld where the stone Lapis and seven characters, form a metaphorical reflection of characters I come across on a daily basis. I’ve named these characters:
The Fantasy feeders, The Truth hunters, The Doubters, The Wordgivers, The shadowcarrier, The Repelswishlisters and The Fearfeeders.
De Fantasievoeder, De waarheidsjager, De Twijfelaar, De Woordbrenger, The Schaduwdrager, De Afstootverlanger, De Angstvoeder.
With the presentation of these characters, I made distinctions between different conceptions of reality. Do people live up to believing in religion or science? And is it possible for these two opposing interpretations to reconcile with each other?
My project is based on an own built universe the Lapisworld where the stone Lapis and seven characters, form a metaphorical reflection of characters I come across on a daily basis. I’ve named these characters:
The Fantasy feeders, The Truth hunters, The Doubters, The Wordgivers, The shadowcarrier, The Repelswishlisters and The Fearfeeders.
De Fantasievoeder, De waarheidsjager, De Twijfelaar, De Woordbrenger, The Schaduwdrager, De Afstootverlanger, De Angstvoeder.
With the presentation of these characters, I made distinctions between different conceptions of reality. Do people live up to believing in religion or science? And is it possible for these two opposing interpretations to reconcile with each other?
2014 - till now
This project is selected for BredaPhoto International photofestival 2014
Solo exhibition in TAC eindhoven
Group Exhibition in Art Deli Amsterdam
Group Exhibtion at BredaPhoto Breda
Group Exhibition at Melkweg gallery (Platform Platvorm)
Publication Gup NEW young talent 2016